Hello and Welcome to Working Together Chicago's Key Strategies for increased productivity and Success for employees with a disability and the companies they work for
What if i could tell you that you could hire one person that could transform not only your company's productivity and outcomes while transforming all employees job satisfaction. Sounds too good to be true? It isn't,but it is not without effort and a willingness to professionally develop yourself
Intro teaser
By embracing and implementing the WTC's key strategies companies can have improved productivity by utilizing and developing a hidden talent pool; Employees with disabilities
Employers individuals with disabilitiesin a 2018 study by Accenture a 72% increase in productivity, a 30% higher profit margin, and a 200%higher net income
Impact StatsGraphic72% (arrow up) productivity30% (arrow up) Profit Margin200% higher net income
Today WTC will focus on 2 Key Strategies that significantly increase employee productivity and value: Strong Communication and Job Carving
Intro of Key StrategiesJob Carving&Communication
To fully maximize the true potential of the employee with a disability, employers need to close communication gaps and promote professional development through on-going job carving and customization.
Footage of WTC Intern
By achieving best practices through the employer,supervisor, and WTC mentor in these two key strategies, employers will benefit and can transform a companies overall productivity and promote the great value the employee with a disability brings to the workforce
Word cloud:Big; communication & job carvingsmall; best practices, productivity, value,
Key Strategy: Job Carving and Customization
Efficency is equal to the productivity divided by the cost.
How does an individual with a disability make such a huge impact?
graphic: Efficency = productivity/cost
Job carving is a process that redistributes tasks to positively affect the productivity of all employees involved. (handing paper to wtc intern)
WTC intern working
By removing the tasks that are distracting to multiple employee's productivity and assigning them to a WTC intern an employer can see a sizable jump in productivity
Less tasks=greater productivity
Graphic: bar graph's moving?
The WTC job carving form guides employers through creating a job and starts the job description for the employee with a disability (graphic filling in task lines)
WTC job carving form
job carving promotes high productivity when often employees with disabilities have no job growth.
Footage of WTC Intern
Job carving and strong customization is not a one-time process. professional growth and innovation can be developed through preformance reviews and
Footage of WTC intern
increased workload and professional development of the employee with a disability. This directly translates to increased company productivity and value
Resulting in a 72% increase in productivity in other employeesStaff turnover lowered by up to 30% and overall increased job satisfaction 34% improved communication across culturesHeightened innovation of organization efficiency practices
Key Strategy: Strong Communication
Strong communication is crucial to all employees and has a direct effect on any employer's efficiency
WTC Intern walking, then knocking on Supervisors door
3) Frequent Communication
WTC Intern talking to supervisor in office
4) Honest & Focused Feedback
WTC yearly goalsForm
Increased productivity and ValueSupervisor management skill developedEWD develop grow leading to increased productivity
Using Key Stratsresults are:Increased Marketability to the 3rd highest market segment with $21B discretionary incomeIncreased consumer base and loyalityInclusive and Neuro-diverse environment47% more attractive to future talent due to inclusive work culture
Future Talent?......On our next video Ziggy will discuss job carving..Stay tuned Major Tom we are coming at you Station to Station
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