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'Call of the Wild' Book Report

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'Call of the Wild' Book Report
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By, Peyton Idleman: Period 6

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  • HI! It's me, Buck! Your furry, ferocious, friend from 'Call of the Wild'!
  • Fang clashed on fang, and lips were cut and bleeding, but I could not penetrate my enemy's guard. ... Spitz was untouched, while I was streaming with blood and panting hard. The fight was growing desperate. ... But I possessed a great qualtity that made for greatness: imagination. I fought by instinct, but I could fight by head as well. I rushed as though attempting the old shoulder trick, but at the last instant swept low to the snow and in. My teeth closed in on Spitz's foreleg. There was a crunch of breaking bone, and the white dog faced me on 3 legs. ... Despite the pain and helplessness, Spitz struggled madly to keep up. There was no hope for him. I was inexorable. Mercy was a thing reserved for gentler climates. ... The dark circle became a dot on the moon-flooded snow as Spitz disappeared from view. I stood on, the successful champion, the dominant primordial beast who had made his kill and found it good.
  • Hi Buck! I'm Peyton! I will be interviewing you today!
  • First Question: "What episode or part of you transformation is the most important to you?
  • Hmmm... This is a toughie! I would have to say when I finally defeated man!
  • It was I, a hurricane of furry, hurling myself upon them in a frenzy to destroy. I sprang at the foremost man, ripping the throat wide open till the rent jugular was spouted with blood. I did not pause to worry the victim but ripped in passing, with the next bound of tearing open the next man. There was no stopping me! ... Then panic seized the Yeehats, and they fled in terror to the woods.
  • Wow, uhh, yeah, that's cool... I guess...
  • My second question is, what are two unforgettable experiences and how did this make you feel?
  • All that stirrings of old instincts which at stated periods drives men out from the sounding cities to forest and plain to kill things... -the bloodlust, joy to kill- all this was mine, infinitely more intimate. I was ranging at the head of the pack, running the wild thing down, the living meat, to kill with my own teeth and wash my muzzle to the eyes in warm blood... And such is the paradox of living... it comes to the soldier, war mad on a stricken feild and refusing quarter; and it came it me.
  • One would have to be when I chased the rabbit!
  • I became more in-touch with my primordial self. I enjoyed the thrill of the chase!
  • Wow, Buck that's... uhh... great. *Belch* And the other experience?
  • I drove in upon Spitz, shoulder to shoulder, so hard that I missed the throat. We rolled over and over in the powdery snow. Spitz gained his feet almost as though he had not been overthrown, slashing me down the shoulder and leaping clear. Twice his teeth clipped together like the steel jaws of a trap, as he backed away for better footing, with lean and lifting lips that writhed and snarled. In a flash I knew it. The time had come it was to the death. As we circled about, snarling, ears laid back, keenly watchful for the advantage... Wherever my fangs struck for the softer flesh they were countered by the fangs of Spitz.
  • JOHN THORNTON!!! No Hesitation!
  • When I killed Spitz
  • This was an important moment, because I had finally defeated my nemesis. I was now the team leader!
  • Buck! Please I am trying to host a 'PG' interview! Are you always this violent?!
  • Gah! Make him stop!
  • Well... I guess I am...
  • But have'nt you read my bio, "Call of the Wild"?
  • I am vicious in that too!
  • Well, yeah, but... OH WELL!
  • Thank you for cleaning that, Jerry
  • Okay Buck, next question. And remember there are children watching!
  • Among your comrades, both human and animal, who is the most memorable?
  • Do you really need to ask?
  • As I grew stronger they enticed me into all sorts of ridiculous games, in which Thornton himself could not forbear to join; and in this fashion I romped through my convalescence and into a new existence. Love, genuine passionate love, was mine for the first time. This I had never experienced at Judge Miller's down in the sun kissed Santa Clara Valley. ...But love that was feverish and burning, that was adoration, that was madness, it had taken John Thornton to arouse.
  • Wow! Buck, that's fantastic!
  • My fourth question is, since being primordial was a recurring theme in your story, could you please share one of your visions or experiences and how it made you feel?
  • This made me feel adventurous, because I was turning into my full primordial self and running with a fellow wild animal
  • When I heard the call and ran with the Wild Brother
  • Irresistible impulses seized me. I would be lying in camp, dozing lazily when suddenly my head would lift and my ears cock up, intent and listening, I would spring to my feet and dash away, and on and on for hours... One night I sprang from sleep with a start... From the forest came the call... I came to an open place place among the trees, and looking out saw, erect on haunches, with nose pointed to the sky, a long lean, timber wolf. ... But the wolf fled at the sight of me.. I followed with wild leapings... [later on] the wolf, finding that no harm was intended, finally sniffed noses with me. We became friendly and played about in the nervous, half-coy way...
  • Super Cool Buck!
  • My fifth question is: You have learned exponentially throught the course of your life since you were brought to Alaska, what do you think is the most salient lesson you have learned? And why?
  • I learned how the world really is...
  • The "Law of Fang"!
  • Kill or be Killed
  • Curly was the victim. We were camped near the log shore, where she in her friendly way made her way to a husky-dog the size of a full grown wolf, though not half so large as she. The was no warning, only a leap in like a flash, a metallic clip of teeth and Curly's face ripped open from eye to jaw. ... Thirty of forty huskies ran to the spot that surrounded the combatants in an intent and silent circle... He met her next rush with his chest, in a peculiar fashion that she tumbled of her feet. She never regained them. This was what the onlooking huskies had waited. They closed in upon her, snarling and yelping, and she was buried beneath the bristling mass of bodies.
  • Wow, Buck, I am sorry for your loss
  • I only have 2 questions left
  • Question Number 6: When people read your story and reflect, what do you want them to think about in terms to the lesson or moral of your life? How is this going to benefit their lives?
  • Adaption is needed to survive. I was moved to a completely different climate and was expected to survive
  • But I became my ultimate self! Sometimes you can learn something new about your self you never thought of before! Don't be scared of change! It can be a good thing and you may even be able to take something away from it!
  • Wow! What a great lesson, Buck!
  • Last Question! If you could change one moment in your life, what would it be? Why?
  • But then again I never would have defeated the 'Yeehats' or joined the wolf pack...
  • I wish I could have saved John Thornton...
  • But still... I wish he was here...
  • Well, Buck, we are out of time!
  • The End
  • Thank you for joining us!
  • It was my pleasure!
  • Stay Ferocious My Friends!!
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