Grandpa! Just because I asked a history question doesn't mean you have to use the time machine!
It isn't that far back in time! You see? We are still in the U.S.! Anyways, back to your question. The U.S. dmocracy is more evolved than most ancient democracies. For one, everyone is allowed to vote, including woman and foreigners. Alright, next!
Shut up, will ya? Ancient Rome was still a very basic democracy, one of the firsts. Unlike America, if you aren't a male non-foreigner, you can't become a government leader candidate. At first, only the rich were allowed into the senate, but slowly, poor (non-foreign male) people were allowed, called the plebeians. Afterwards, Rome's government became... kind of weird. The Senate and emperor started to co-exist. together. The emperor was chosen using the system of monarchy, and the Senate remained a democracy. This created a system of check's and balances. Comprable to the U.S.'s system (except here everyone is chosen using democracy, never monarchy)
Again? Now we're in Rome! That's even further back in time, and far away from home, grandpa!
Athens was completely differnt from the rest. It was also the first democracy. Athens was a direct democracy. See, Rome and America are examples of representative democracies, Democracies which choose representatives to make, judge, and enforce laws on their behalf-- choosing the most capable of hands to give this task to. Athens played lottery. A few lucky lottery winners got to vote on if laws are passed or not. In this case, the people are voting on laws, judges, and enforcement. Alright, time to go back! Wait, the time machine is broken! Guess we have to live in Athens forever!
We're never going to get back!
Relax! I was kidding! I told your parents that if we don't come back in 30 minutes, they'll pick us up using theirs!