I don't want ice cream I just want to go to the pool
ok don't be out too late
ok i'll go outside and play
oh look a fire hydrant !
maybe we I can play in the fire hydrant instead of a pool
A fire hydrant ?
Hey dad, can I play in the fire hydrant ?
yea dad its gonna be me and some friends Click To Edit Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal rulelinkDialog.show Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues
I guess so but don't be out to late
ok i'll go get my shorts
The end
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/vectors/water-hydrant-extinguish-burn-fire-149844/) - OpenClipart-Vectors - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed