The knight shows us that he can only let her love him, is when his armor is gone.
"How can you take care of them when you cant care for yourself." Merlin asked. "But I miss them!" whined the knight. "I want to go back to them in the worst way." (Fisher -20)
hello there traveler...
Merlin nodded in agreement. " that", he said, "is the path of truth." The knight looked at the trail with enthusiasm." I'm not sure its worth it. "what will I have to do to make it to the top?" "It is what you don't have"/ corrected merlin. "your armor." (Fisher 25)
Now the knight found what he has to do to get his armor off, he has to find the truth of himself
I know a place that can help you find your true self.
This shows he is learning more about himself every second he stares at the mirror
He frowned in puzzlement. "Who's that?" "It's you, squirrel answered. The knight shook his head. " This mirror is a phony. I don't look like that." you're seeing the real you." explained Sam. (Fisher 53)