Jason Smith from Toronto moved to Boston in 2015 and works in Cafe.
Meets the love of his life. She believes in him but not as much he expects of himself
Boston Marathon
He trains twice a day and 6 days a week throughout the day, as he puts all his heart into his opportunity he gave up after his High School Graduation
He also trains at night with other runners and taking plenty of advice
Boston Marathon
He is often the most trained among the other runners, even the elite triathletes he has met throughout the past decade in Toronto
The Boston Marathon Warmup on October
Starts in the front row because he knows he can win the race while others told him your delusional
He gets passed by hundreds of contestants he is concerned that others are laughing
Calms himself down remembering his old self and his training
I am a beast
Passes 30 people in one minute
Passes hundreds of contestants in 1:30 minutes
2nd hour becomes top 20 Jason starting to get his recognition
Road to 1st Place: a contestant aiming for 1st place
Jason needs water for 40 seconds
Jason in 10 minutes: 7th place
Half a mile: I will collapse to win!
3 minutes: Sprinted 2 then 3 contestants gone 4th place and another one 3rd place
Hold Up: The two contestants finished 1st and 2nd
A whole lot of effort
Jason Smith sprints for 3rd
This is my chance for third place: And the Canadian Jason Smith takes place for 3rd
Jason Smith gone exhausted and needed a doctor for injured kidneys
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/drop-water-rain-tear-teardrop-147190/) - OpenClipart-Vectors - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0) (https://pixabay.com/en/podium-sport-trophy-victory-medal-1060918/) - michaljamro - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)
You did it! I cannot believe it! Like how!
Jason Smith is known pronounced as the Canadian underdog beat the odds for his nation and himself becoming 3rd place in the 2016 Boston Marathon
Jason Smith getting noticed by multiple triathlete scouts around the globe and has finally made it with the love of his life and dream