Right. What’s going on in here. We’ll have no noise inhere.
Abaten yet alleh. (Where is my father?)
Where’s Mr Kelo then?
Abaten yet alleh(Where is my father?)
DO. YOU. KNOW. WHERE. MR. KELO. IS. Where is he?
No no no no. Shhhh. Shhhh. I’m not going to hurt you.
Mr Hardwick finds the letter
Mr Kelo: My dearest Son, You have seen all the trouble that we have been goingthrough back home. Until the fighting stops and our persecution is over, yourmother and I think it would be best for you to stay in England. We just cannotafford to risk another attack. On you. We value your life more than anything.We may be joining you soon. If things get better, you will be joining us.Remember to love your neighbours because peace is better than war, wherever youlive. Your loving father.
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