Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information
Fibe TV Fibe TV Fibe TV
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Fibe Internet Fibe Internet Fibe Internet
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I want the iPhone 13 Pro. Money is not a problem.
Mobility Mobility Mobility
Agent System
IVR / Prequalification
Customer Offers - Agent Toolset
Customer researches products and services onlineCalls sales agent to review solutions / price
Customer Connected with Agent
Hi my name is Emily, I am interested in the Fibe TV and Mobility service
Thank you for calling Bell, Eric speaking and I would be happy to look at options for you!
Customer enters high level details in IVRSystem passes information to Agent toolsets Agent toolsets pre-populates available products / offers
Screen Sharing / Offer Building
Agent toolset pre-populated with offers based on availability Popular offers surfaced to topAbility to customer / add-on during conversation Offers include up-sell options
Closed Sale / Communication
Order Confirmation
Customer & Product Details
Connects with customer and toolset is pre-populated with offersRep walks customer through options Offers to build solution together
Collaborative solution building with customer Customer can use visual aids to review price / solutionAbility for customer to self select add-ons
Condensed email focused on purchase and priceLimited marketing material
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