"That I wait for ya, wait for ya, I wonder if you even notice"
*Camera pans right and pans left across the subway showing the people aboard* *then the camera
*camera is outside of the subway car showing him sitting and looking out*
*intercut that goes back and forth between the man on the subway and the woman singing* She sings "I wonder if you even notice, baby I'm feeling hopeless, easy to lose focus"
Song Lyrics "I've been looking for a savior" zooms in on his eye and then the subway scene dissolves immediately cutting to him working in his apartment on the headphones.
*close up of him putting on the finished headphones and closing his eyes in bliss while just the beat of the same song continues* *then there is a shot of him from behind as the camera zooms out slowly*
Lyrics: "My heart beats for you only, wonder if you even know me. Count down every moment that I wait for ya, Chorus" Outside shot of him trying to demonstrate the headphones to pedestrians and then a close up on his face with disappointment"
*Outside shot of him with his head in his hands and then a close up of the headphones in an open box* *just the beat of the song continues*
*Intercut of the same singing lady putting on the headphones goes back and forth on his shocked face and her smirk* *closeup of his eye fades into revving car*
*same song she was singing is now in her headphones*
*pan out to people on street dancing to chorus, slow-mo of everyone break dancing* *close up of thrown out "wired" headphones in a puddle*
"You ain't seen nothing yet kid, we're just getting started."
*intercut between the man and the dancing people*
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/illustrations/rear-view-mirror-2582540/) - jaisonjohn666 - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed
*music fades out quietly then comes back louder with the engine* *close up of drivers face in the rear view mirror*
*fade out of the man's eye takes it back to the origin of the commercial*