The year is 1526 and the young explorer is asking to travel to a distant land.
My king I seek permission to leave Italy to explore the new world and gain wealth.
The route of the traveler will begin in Europe and travel across the Atlantic Ocean to America and hopefully new lands and gain wealth along the way.
The adventurer takes barrels of rum, and boxes of jewelry, clothing, and food, they also took weapons to protect and trade.
Our explorer will use compasses and maps to guide him across the Atlantic Ocean. The weather will be rough and they will have many challenges.
American Indians- are located in America a beautiful and uninhabited land. Their customs are tribal and have many gods and believe that everything is sacred often doing different rituals like rain dances, sun dances , and other ceremonies and rituals.
I could meet Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón while exploring amd could learn about the Spanish traditions and I could also learn about his mission to settle in north America in 1526
The items I could trade are barrels of wine, and boxes of jewelry, clothing, food, and weapons. The people I encounter will trade religion, fur, food, ideas, and precious metals.