No he doesn't. I used to be on food stamps and the benefits run out in no time.
He has a point!!!
White? Food stamps? Cool story, bro; save it for Lit class.
Good day kids. This is Dr. Robinson and he'll be doing a school-sanctioned medical, so no Lit class today.
Hello kids. Who's ready to get a checkup?
It's been some time since I've had one of those.
Alia Nelvis!
Oh no!!!
Alia, I have bad news. Your blood sugar levels are off the charts and I'm certain that you have diabetes.
What do you think happened to her?
I think she has diabetes. I could see through the glass how distraught she was after the finger prick.
Well, I'm not too sorry for her. If you eat so badly, you get bad diseases.
I mean, yeah, she kinda did cause this upon herself.
True that.
Yes of course!!!
Let me ask y'all something. Do your parents drive a car?
Do they work minimum wage?
Of course not!!!
Did they go to college?
Well Alia and her mom walk everywhere, her mom works minimum wage and didn't go to college. So you see, this cannot be Alia's fault.
No way!!!
On the contrary, her mom was very smart and the brightest kid at her high school. My mom told me about her achievements back in the day. She just didn't have any money to attend college.
It's her mom's fault then for not being smart enough to go to college and letting her child suffer the consequences.
As I was telling you earlier, SNAP benefits do not last very long. Imagine getting $200 to spend on food for the whole month. We must also remember that they have bills to pay, which leaves them with virtually no money in the end, so they have to buy cheap stuff to save as much as possible. I used to have to do the same, so I understand.
I see. That's heartbreaking, but surely they could use SNAP to get some healthy food right?
That's a brilliant idea!!! Maybe we can go over to discuss with her mom.
I feel so bad for how I talked about her now. Surely there is something we can do for her?
How about a fundraiser?
Mom, we did a medical at school today and I found out that I have diabetes.
Sweetie, what ever are we going to do? That's gonna cost money that we don't have.
How very thoughtful of you all! Thank you for your kindness and compassion.
Good evening Ms. Freeman. We've heard about Alia's situation and would like to throw a fundraiser to help her out.
Well that was strange! Those kids are always talking trash about my food.
Really? Well who knows? Maybe something changed.
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