Teri throwing a new ball for Whiskey the Hero. (Ordinary World) med-shot
The ball bounces and goes through the missing fence post piece and lands a few inches to the other side. (The Call to Adventure) close to med shot then close up
Whiskey refuses to get it. Teri encourages him to grab the ball. (Refuses the Call and encouraged by the Alpha) med-shot, then close up of ball and Whiskeys face
Whiskey paws at the ground and doesn't quite reach the ball. (Tests, Allies and Enemies) close to med shot
Whiskey sees a moose and runs toward the driveway front gate (T,A,E continued) med shot
Whiskey checks out the moose on the other side. (T,A,E continued) med shot
Whiskey runs back to his ball on the other side and looks and paces back and forth with a small whine. (T,A,E continues) med- close shots possible add close shot from other side of fence.
Whiskey is distracted again by action at the gate. He goes to the front gate to see the neighbors and dogs walking by on the other side (T,A,E and Approach The Inmost Cave)
Close up - Whiskey remembers his ball is also on the other side. (Inmost Cave)
Whiskey is digging and pawing for his ball. (Ordeal) -med to close shot
Whiskey paws till he reaches his ball and snatches it up. The first time he has ever pawed past the fence.(The Reward) med to close shots
Whiskey returns to Teri with his new ball he rescued. (Resurrection and Elixir) one med shot and one close shot.