This is Aku's school. Tonight the Parent Coordinator is hosting a meeting for the Parent-Teachers Association (PTA).
At Home
The Parent Coordinator hands out various pamphlets with school resources. Aku's mother Efie jokes that if Aku does not do well in school she will have to join her father Kojo working on a fishing boat.
The Debate
The Parent Coordinator informs the parents that there are several positions open within the PTA. With encouragement from Aku and Kojo, Efie agrees to run for President.
The Commercial
Efie and Aku come up with a campaign slogan, "Together We Can." The school has decided that since it is election time, this would be a great opportunity to teach kids about politics.
Anastasia, another parent, also decides to run for President of the PTA. They answer questions asked by an audience full of parents. Efie is nervous and does not do well.
Aku and Kojo encourage Efie. Aku suggests they film a commercial like the Presidential Candidates do. They call 311 to get the number for The Mayor's Office of Media & Entertainment to see if they need a permit to film.
A Vision
Campaign Some More
Aku, Kojo, Efie, Alberto, and Isabel daydream about all the cultural dishes they could have at the picnic.
The Picnic
At school, Aku hands out flyers to her classmates to let them know about the picnic.
For The Win
Even on her way to the school bus, Aku hands out more flyers to classmates about the picnic.
Home Sweet Home
At Ellis Island, Efie presents her commercial. Attendees are excited about the slogan, "Together We Can." This time Efie is better able to answer questions.
At the next PTA meeting the winner is announced. Efie is the new PTA President. She thinks Anastasia ran a great race and suggests they work together to run the PTA.
Campaigning is hard work. Efie decides her first act as President should be to reinstate naptime.