I am Glad that Mr Trwango agreed to the meeting. I will just have to inform Mr Right regarding the meeting.
Union leader informs manger about the meeting.
Good day Mr Right, I just want to inform you that I have arranged a union meeting and it will take place here in our board room. Date is next week Tuesday around 12:30.
I am sure she thinks that by this meeting she will get things right.
The day of the meeting.
As the union leader. I would like to ask on behalf of my fellow employees, that the whole is the ceiling should be fixed. Workers cannot concentrate on their work, as the hole is a distraction.
Sam Got permission by the Boss to hold a union meeting.
The meeting continues.
The health and safety of the workers are important. It is important that their safety is taken care of.
Mr Right feels that this meeting will be irrelevant as the complain made by the employees are not at all important.
.......meeting continues.
As the second manger of this company, I strongly feel that this construction is needed. I agree with Ms Sam. It is important for the workers to work in a clean and safe environment. It makes sense why the work has not been so productive lately. I have checked the figures My Trawango, production is very mild.
Sam is presenting here complaint in the meeting.
The meeting ended well
I am really impressed by the way you have handled this situation. As a trade union leader is it important to fight for the rights of your fellow workers. I know to many this matter might seem small, but to me it is a big deal. And as a woman you are very strong.
Sam explains that the safety and health of the employees are important.
The administration manger has raised a point in the meeting. He is in agreement with Sam that the ceiling needs to be fixed. As he have noticed a slight change in the amount of work done by the employees recently.
The boss is very pleased with Sam and how she stood up for her fellow employees. He points out that to many this matter will seem small, but it is important for a worker to feel safe and secure.
Thank you very much Sir, It was not a easy task but I am glad that we have won.