Hey Chris. Not sure you noticed but I really like Sara. I want to ask her to the beach party but I'm way too scared. Should I send her a message on Instagram?
You don't say, Noah. The fact that you stare at her all the time doesn't give it away at all! Insta message!? Are you nuts. That stuff can easily get into the wrong hands. Hey we gotta get to our next class. Break's almost over.
What do you suggest? You're a smooth dude. And don't even suggest I actually ask her in person. Not a chance!
No doubt. You'd probably puke on her if you actually asked her in person. Send her an actual real life note. We'll get it together at lunch in the caf.
Are you sure about a note? It's so elementary school.OMG! There's Sara. Am I actually going to do this.
Hey Sara. You goin to the beach party on Saturday?
You bet. But it sure would be nice to go with someone.