Alex wakes up and gets ready for school. He pins a bird that he was given from his mom on the bottom of his shirt, where it's barely noticeable.
Alex is often disrespectful to his parents...
Whatever. I'm going to school.
Honey, I made you and your sisters breakfast!
...and to his teachers.
Alex, pay attention and stop talking!
Why don't you just teach better?
He starts to doze off in class.
Alex dreams, and talks to himself.
What's the point of being so rude all the time?
Eh, I just don't care.
Suddenly, Alex wakes up to an alarm clock, and finds himself having kids and being a teacher. He puts the pin on the corner of his shirt like always.
Alex goes downstairs and awkwardly makes breakfast when he hears kids screaming.
Oh god, who are these people, why are they so loud so early?
...and experiences firsthand the disrespect he gives off.
Here's your, uh, breakfast.
Alex's mom comes and puts the kids in line, and Alex finds out his mom still lives with him.
Hey, respect your FATHER!
You must be out of it, Alex, you're usually more controlling.
Alex takes his kids to school, and finds the classroom he's supposed to be in, and braces for the worst.
I haven't taught a day in my life, what do I even do??
He ends up teaching the same class he woke up in, and struggles to take role.
Dylan? Dylan??
Hey Dylan, come here often?
An announcement for the pledge of allegiance happens, and the class falls quiet.
Alex gains control of the class to take role, and realizes something he never did before.
Hey guys, I'm going to need you all to be quiet and listen while I take role. Please Respect that.
Alex has a sudden thought, and begins to rethink his whole life.
I've never thought about respect from my point of view now... I put everyone through bad stuff and I'm going to change that.
After a long day, he heads home with the kids, and talks to his mom.
Remember when you were always disrespectful? I'm glad you grew up and changed for the better.
Today was more tiring than usual, but I was respected by my students!
He begins feeling drowsy, and suddenly falls asleep.
Just remember what happened today...
I learned a lot, and I'm glad i could improve on myself.
Alex wakes up in the classroom as a kid, confused but changed.
Alex wakes up in the classroom he fell asleep in, confused but changed.
Alex, are you even paying attention?
Yes ma'am, I am paying attention!
Did he just.... show respect?
He places his pin in a more visible place, and replies to everyone's confusion with two words:
I've changed.
Genre Archetype- Tragedy This is a tragedy because it deals with a tragic flaw. Plot Archetype- Overcoming the Monster Alex overcomes his own monster to be a better person for himself. Conflict Archetype- Man vs Self Alex is in conflict with his own actions and ideals. Symbol- The pin Alex wears The pin signifies his morals, and how he's more comfortable with them at the end. Hero- Alex Alex is the hero that goes through moral stability, and a larger-than-life experience. The Sage- Alex's Mother Alex's mom guides Alex to the right pathway. Figurative Creature of Nightmare- Alex's Way of Life Alex's way of life is a deep dark part of his life, and he conquers this creature.