But what about the consequences and what Legislation has done in the past?
I think we should provide mental health screenings and increase security
The bill to provide mental health screenings has been approved in Delaware, New Jersey, and Florida.
With the passing of bills there are more therapists on school grounds to lower that large ratio.
But what if there are too many students and staff that want to talk to you?
After the Parkland shooting, Allie and Tyler don't feel safe in their schools and are searching for a way to prevent school shootings.
Topic: Bullying
As for Tyler's argument, Legislation has done a lot. They have created laws to either introduce or co-sponsor an extreme risk protection order bill to protect schools.
Why do you think you teachers can be armed to protect students?
Well, we'll able to respond faster than the police. We'll also be provided bonuses and training to keep you all safe.
Some say that mental health screenings are beneficial. To do this, there would be an increase on therapists and medical professionals that are open to anyone. The professionals would have a know if a student or staff showed signs of violence or self harm which then allows them to inform the police.
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Along with mental health screenings, emotional support groups should be provided for students struggling inside and outside of school.
Now that I explained my side what do you have to say now?
The installment of surveillance cameras were powerless and could not save any lives. Additionally, surveillance cameras can only identify the situation but not stop the shooting itself.
Some other ways to make schools safer is to increase security. Like add more cameras or to even arm teachers.
Because of this judgment, the could lead to an increase in bullying.
You guys look suspicious, move to the front! I don't trust you both.
To arm teachers there is a price that comes with the training and supply of firearms, although it is cheaper to fund training for teachers rather than to hire more security. In Arkansas, it would cost approximately $50,000 a year for one officer. Meanwhile, to train and arm 13 teachers the cost was $68,000.
Who cut the art program?
Well, with the school needing more money to increase security and arm teachers there had to be cuts somewhere.
Some say that arming teachers and increasing security measures to create a more safe environment backfires and suggests violence rather than safety. By adding metal detectors, cameras, police officers, and teachers with firearms the school then becomes a place where violence is expected to break out.
It is also said that if teachers are armed and more security was provided, they will start to stereotype and pre-judge students.
Another problem with increasing security is that schools are already under-funded and finding more money towards these increases will be taxing and cause other areas in the school to lose more money.
Now that we'e both expressed our opinions what do you think are the best options to make sure school is safe? Let's start off with mental health screenings. What do you think?
Well, by having constant advertisements or flyers around school and it is an open-door policy. Additionally, there would be sign up times before, during, or after school.
Well I think we should include them expect to place them so visible in school.
But what do you think we should do about the increase in security?
To figure out options to prevent school shootings, Allie and Tyler first talk about mental health screenings. They both agree that mental health screenings are important and should be provided in schools.
Allie and Tyler also talk about how visible security measures can create a more negative school atmosphere. But teachers should not be armed. Teachers jobs are to teach students and to help them grow. Although if they were armed having a fast reaction time would be the most positive option.