1. Julie is an existing T customer. She is leasing a phone with T for the past 15 months and decides she would like a new phone
2. She calls T Customer Care to find out what she can get
3. Bob is a T Customer Care Rep. He greets Julie over the phone and they discuss her needs. Bob confirms that Julie is allowed to change her handset within her current contract
4. He explains the fees and advises that she will receive an email with an estimate of the fees. Bob enters all the order details,
5. Bob confirms if Julie would like to pay the lease in a lump sum or by installments. She accepts the Ts&Cs and Bob completes the call with Julie.
6. LATER...Julie receives an email with the details of her order including an estimate of the fees
7. LATER...Jane is a BoH Rep who manages orders. She receives Julie's request and places the order for her new phone.
8. LATER....Leanne is a BTS Rep who dispatches phones. Leanne picks and packs Julies new phone and dispatches the phone with an empty return satchel for the old phone. She updates Julie's order
9. LATER...Jane receives notification that Julie's phone has been sent. Jane then completes the order.
10. A FEW DAYS LATER....Julie receives her new phone. She also receives a satchel for returning her old phone. She posts her old phone to the TDC
11. THE NEXT DAY...James a TDC rep receives Julie's phone and compares the condition of the phone reported by Julie to the actual phone. It is as reported. He completes the return records.
12. THE NEXT DAY...Leanne a BTS Rep is managing lease arrangements on behalf of T. She receives files containing updated lease arrangements. She updates the lease arrangement for Julie in her system
13. SEVERAL DAYS/WEEKS LATER...Julie receives her monthly invoice and can see the charges for the new leased phone and the fee for upgrading before the end of her current contract