Its not even noon and we have more than enough food to feed the entire world!
Population growth
Redgirl! do you really have to have so many kids?!!?
I'm so good at basketball, I could shoot 3 slam dunks at the same time!
Oh Yeah? I'm so good at archery I could shoot 3 arrows at a time up to 100 ft!
Why did you build so many homes?
Actually, I built that. Nah, I was just kidding.
WHOA! It took us a long time to built that!
It feels so good to rule.
Where is my Halo?
Image Attributions: ( - alohamalakhov - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed ( - Mhy - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (
This is a showing of a surplus of food. A surplus of food happens when one person starts farming and he/she has a ton of on kind of food. Blueboy and Redgirl are currently farming corn which they have a lot. They have so many corn that their baskets are stating to overflow.
Population growth means that there is a lot of people being born at a time. Redgirl had a ton of kids born last week.
Specialization is when people are good at specific things. Redgirl is good at archery and Blueboy is good at basketball
A village is where there is permanent homes,people, farming, and specialization all working together. Redgirl and Blueboy built a fine little village.
A city’s is many people on lots of land farming and trade of specialized goods. Redgirl and Blueboy had upgraded their tiny village to a massive city.
A Civilization is a complex society w/cities, government,& specialized workers. Redgirl and Blueboy ruled a civilization about as big as the whole wide world.