For a while I have watched the traders from the NWC come to our village. They are very social and many have taken up with our women. I have never seen a trader from HBC here and I have never seen any of them mate and have children. Even though they spend most of their time on the road the NWC men have become like family.
Its time that I start trading fur pelts like others in my tribe. People tell me that the English at HBC have a standard price but I will need to travel quite a distance to get there. I will first stop and visit the NWC post and then I will continue to the HBC.
Travelling by canoe it is easy to reach the NWC. They are actually inland and so it is not necessary to go to the Bay to trade with them. I went by river and then moved inland to get to the trading post.
Once I arrived I was surprised by two things. How easy it was to deal with the NWC and that you could trade furs for alcohol.
One thing I remembered was that I could barter to try to get a better deal with the NWC. They took all of my furs and all of the other items I had brought as well.
I had a very successful trip to the NWC. So successful that I needed to get more fur pelts to continue my trip to the HBC. I camped for at least a week so that I could trap.
Back onto the canoe for the long trip to the HBC trading post on Hudson's Bay. I trapped along the way so I would have enough to trade with.
After travelling for a few weeks I finally reached the HBC trading post.
Once I arrived I could tell that this was a large trading post and that the English were much more formal.
I was correct- the English at HBC are much more formal. There is no trading for alcohol. They do not barter.
The HBC offered a fair price for my furs and even though they do not trade for alcohol they had lots of other things to trade for that the NWC did not have.
One of the most important things I traded for was some HBC blankets. I have wanted one of these for a long time and I will be able to take them back to my family.
The weather in the Bay was starting to get cold and so it was time to head home.
I did not stop to trap on the long trip back to my village. I had a lot of things I had traded for and wanted to get them home quickly.
I could see snow on the hills and mountains and so it was lucky I had those blankets!
My first trip was successful. I will travel to the HBC post again because they have so many things to trade for. I will let the NWC traders come to me and I will barter with them for a good deal and alcohol. They are here a lot now because they have wives and children to visit.