Europeans gave the colonies roads, hospitals and democracy
Is he joking? This can't be real
Questioning the question
He has the power... you don't!
I don't feel comfortable in this environment
What are you doing ? He's marking your essay!!!
What will people say?
Maybe he will react positively to my question?
Am I allowed to ask a question?
You're making a mistake
The question
Professor I think you are wrong. What about colonial rule in India? In 1947, Britain left India as one of the poorest countries globally
The reaction
I have studied history for longer than you have been alive. If you want to do well here DO NOT try to act smart! You are the student and I am the teacher young man. Colonialism gave India order and democracy. They should be grateful
I knew this was a bad idea...
If you can't beat them, join them
Let's write this essay as if the professor wrote it himself! He loves his own voice.
My family have sacrificed so much for me to be here. Let's not be an activist.
The game is the game
Really fantastic essay. I liked the use of the William Gladstone quote. Imperialism was indeed a civilising mission. First Class essay!
So this is how you complete University. You win professor...
Now that I think about it. Imperialism did do some good things...