hay steph im bored are you keen to jump in the drag chain tonight ill drive weil go and race we might win some cash
that sounds like fun ben but did you know that drag racing is illegal?
oh true that nah i didint know that i didnt really care its so fun i didnt stop to think about the consequences
well not only is that silly ben its also irresponsible everybody that uses the roads here in New Zealand has the right to be safe while driving.And drag racing is very dangerous
Ben road safety is everybody's responsibility the speed limits and rules are there to keep everybody safe. Your car will be impounded if you are using it to street race. You may also be charged and serve up to 3 months in prison receive up to $4.500 in fines and loose your licence for up to 6 months
i have another idea how about i miss my rent payment and shout us dinner and some beers?
when you moved into your flat you signed a tenancy agreement which is a legally binding contract. Your responsibility as a tenant in New Zealand is to pay your rent on time and to keep the grounds of your property tidy and free of rubbish.
i remember signing something when i moved in but i didnt read it i feel abit silly now.
bro if you dont abide by your tenancy agreement and landlords rules you may be taken to mediation this is a meeting out of court to resolve matters and recover costs from you as a tenant you will also face being evicted i know you dont want that aye?
nah that sounds scary i cant move back in with my olds i like being independent i think weil just stay home and watch movies.
By Zivana Turnbull2019003565Tutor Deb StewartFocus on legal matters and politics