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Storyboard That

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Löydät kuvakäsikirjoituksen seuraavissa artikkeleissa ja resurssit:
Sosiaaliset Emotionaaliset Oppimistoiminnot

Sosiaalinen Emotionaalinen Oppiminen

Kirjailija: Lauren Ayube

Sosiaalinen ja emotionaalinen oppiminen on sellaisten taitojen opettamista ja kehittämistä, joita tarvitaan suurten tunteiden hallitsemiseen, ihmissuhteiden muodostamiseen, itsetuntemukseen, ongelmien ratkaisemiseen, vastuullisten valintojen tekemiseen ja tavoitteiden asettamiseen. SEL keskittyy myös avoimeen viestintään ja empatiaan. Lue lisää Storyboard That!

Yhteiskunnallisia Tarinoita Luokkahuoneessa

Sosiaaliset tarinat Storyboard That

Sosiaaliset tarinat ovat yksilöllisiä novelleja sosiaalisesta tilanteesta, johon lapset voivat kohdata milloin tahansa. Löydä paljon valmiita esimerkkejä ja resursseja, joiden avulla voit helposti sisällyttää sosiaalisia tarinoita luokkahuoneeseen!

Sosiaalinen Emotionaalinen Oppiminen

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Mom, I am so nervous!
  • Just be yourself, honey. Walk over, smile, and say hello. They will love you!
  • Everyone already knows each other...
  • Welcome!
  • Smile and say hello.
  • Sammy's Furever FriendBy Lauren Ayube
  • Sammy was nervous. He and his family had just moved into a new town, and today was his first day at his new school. His mom tried to cheer him up with inspirational words, but Sammy was still afraid. How would he make friends all over again? What if no one liked him? He missed his old friends.
  • When he arrived at school, Sammy felt his tummy doing somersaults. Trying to put on a brave face, Sammy walked into his new classroom. It was colorful and bright, and the teacher looked so nice! Everyone was chatting about their summer, and looked happy to catch up with their friends.
  • As Sammy's eyes darted around the room, he spied another dog standing all alone in the library area. He wondered if he should go over to the other dog, but he was terrified! What if the other dog ignores him or doesn't want to be his friend? Sammy remembered what his mom said, and decided to take the chance.
  • Sammy cautiously approached the dog, smiled, and said hello. The dog, whose name was Chandler, smiled and said hello right back. They began to talk and play; Sammy learned that Chandler was new too, and they live in the same neighborhood! Sammy and Chandler became furever friends because of a smile and a hello.
  • Dedicated to my pups, Sammy and Chandler. May you be friends furever. And to Kat; my forever friend.
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