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Activity Overview
Template and Class Instructions

Activity Overview

Students can practice the conditional tense by creating a storyboard about their dream vacation. Teachers can begin by having a discussion where students brainstorm answers to the prompt: "If I won the lottery, my dream vacation would be... " Then, students can create a narrative storyboard that describes and illustrates the different things that they would do and see on their "dream vacation" including: Where would they go? How would they get there? Where would they stay? What would they do? What would they eat? What would they see? Students can use speech bubbles within the illustrations and descriptions below the illustration to practice writing using the conditional tense. Teachers can have students present their storyboards when they are finished to include practice speaking as well as writing!

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Due Date:

Objective: Create a storyboard describing your "dream vacation" using grammatically correct conditional statements (Ex. If I won the lottery, my dream vacation would be ... )

Student Instructions:

  1. Click "Start Assignment"
  2. Using the template provided describe each part of your dream vacation: Where would you go? How would you get there? Where would you stay? What would you do? What would you eat? What would you see?
  3. Don't forget to use the conditional tense.
  4. Create pictures using scenes, characters and items to illustrate the different parts of your dream home.

Lesson Plan Reference

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(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)

Conditional Tense
Students will make a narrative storyboard answering the prompt "If I won the lottery, I would . . . " with illustrations and descriptions that employ the correct usage of the conditional tense.
5 Points
3 Points
1 Points
Writing and Grammar usage
All of the descriptions are detailed and complete. They are written using the correct conditional tense.
Most of the descriptions are detailed and complete. They are written using the correct conditional tense with only a few grammatical errors.
Only some of the descriptions are complete. There do not use the conditional tense.
All of the illustrations clearly depict the written descriptions using appropriate characters, scenes and items.
Most of the illustrations depict the written descriptions using appropriate characters, scenes and items. Some are unclear or unfinished.
Only a few of the illustrations depict the written descriptions using appropriate characters, scenes and items. Most are unclear or unfinished.
All of the work is complete, thorough, and neat. It is evident student put forth a lot of effort.
Most of the work is complete, thorough, and neat. It is evident student only put forth some effort.
Only some of the work is complete, thorough, and neat. It is evident student did not put forth adequate effort.

How to Develop Dialogues around My Dream Vacation for Conditional Tense Practice


Introduction to Conditional Tenses with a Focus on Dream Vacations

Start by introducing or reviewing the structure and usage of conditional tenses, particularly the second conditional (e.g., "If I went to..., I would..."). Use examples related to vacation scenarios to make it relatable. Explain how these structures can be used to talk about hypothetical situations, like imagining a dream vacation.


Brainstorming Dream Vacation Ideas

Encourage students to brainstorm ideas about their dream vacation. Ask them to think about destinations they wish to visit and activities they would like to do there. Provide prompts or visuals to stimulate their imagination and ensure they are using conditional tenses in their responses. This step helps students start forming their ideas.


Creating Dream Vacation Dialogues

Instruct students to pair up and create a short dialogue based on their dream vacations. Each pair should use conditional sentences to discuss where they would like to go, what they would do there, and why. Offer guidance on incorporating a variety of conditional sentences and ensuring the conversation flows naturally.


Presenting and Sharing Dialogues

Have each pair present their dialogue to the class or in small groups. This not only allows students to practice their speaking and listening skills but also gives them the opportunity to learn from each other’s ideas. After each presentation, encourage feedback from other students, focusing on the use of conditional tenses and the creativity of their vacation ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions about My Dream Vacation

Why is the Conditional Tense Important for Describing Hypothetical Situations?

The conditional tense is crucial for describing hypothetical situations because it allows speakers to discuss scenarios that are not real but imagined or potential. In hypothetical contexts, like describing a dream vacation, the conditional tense helps to convey ideas about what could happen under certain circumstances or what someone might do if a specific condition is met. It sets a clear distinction between reality and imagination or speculation. For instance, using the second conditional ("If I went to Paris, I would visit the Eiffel Tower") expresses a scenario that isn’t currently happening but is a possibility in the speaker's mind. This use of the conditional tense enriches communication by enabling speakers to explore and share thoughts about potential experiences and desires.

Are There Any Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Conditional Tense?

Regarding common mistakes in using the conditional tense, a frequent error is the incorrect formation of the conditional structure, particularly the mix-up between 'if' clauses and main clauses. For example, using the wrong verb form in the 'if' clause (e.g., "If I will go to Paris") or in the main clause (e.g., "I would visits the Eiffel Tower") disrupts the intended meaning. Another mistake is the overuse or misuse of the conditional tense when the context doesn't call for a hypothetical situation. Understanding the context and correctly applying the conditional structure are key to avoiding these common errors.

Can I Mix Past and Present Tenses in a Conditional Sentence?

As for mixing past and present tenses in a conditional sentence, it is not only permissible but sometimes necessary, depending on the type of condition being expressed. In the second conditional, for example, the 'if' clause uses the simple past tense, while the main clause uses the present conditional ("If I had a million dollars, I would travel the world"). This mix of tenses correctly conveys a present unreal condition. However, it's important to use the correct tense combination to ensure the sentence accurately represents the time frame and reality of the condition being discussed. Understanding the specific rules for each conditional type is essential for effectively mixing tenses in these structures.

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