Even though I have celebrated holidays of Judaism every year, I still  barely know anything about it or the history.
Son, this is a synagogue and it is where people who believe in the same religion as us(Judaism) come to pray.
Flashback to previous celebration of Hanukkah
Why do we light these candles?
Light the candles.
Dad, on Hanukkah why do we light the candles?
We light the candles on Hanukkah in remembrance of a group of Jewish rebels known as the Maccabees. The Maccabees had to light a menorah to shine light in a temple in order to rededicate it. The eight candles and nights represent the eight days that the 1 day of oil, of the original menorah lasted. 
After learning more about my religion I began to feel more connected to it.
However, as I started to learn more about other religions I began to question what my true beliefs should be.
There are many various religions that were prominent in ancient history, such as Islam, Buddhism, Christianity and many more.
These religions are very interesting.
It  was at Hebrew school where I was truly able to learn and understand my religion.
This will be interesting, I don't know much about this person.
While my faith was temporarily at question, it all changed when I began to go to Hebrew school 
Today we are going to learn about Moses' journey and his impact on Judaism.
Dad, I learned a lot of interesting information about Judaism today at school.
After understanding more about Judaism my faith became solidified.
Hey son, I hope you have changed your mind about questioning your beliefs with your newfound information.