Welcome to science class everyone,. What is your name and What exactly is an Atom?
My name is Democritus and in from Greece#160;.Atoms are#160; solid, uniform,#160;#160;hard, uncompressible, and indestructible . They also move in infinite numbers through empty space until#160; they are stopped. My theory is that everything on the earth is composed of atoms.#160;
Hello, My name is John Dalton and i think that#160;all matter is composed of atoms, which#160;indivisible and indestructible . While all atoms of an element were identical, different elements had atoms of differing size and mass.
I don't know what's up with you guys and this electrical thing
Hi My name is Micheal Faraday and after an experiment#160;which I performed a week ago I believe that atoms actually have an electric component.
Hello,#160; My name is JJ#160;Thomson and I agree with you Micheal but i think that they are actually#160;tiny negatively charged subatomic particles or electrons
Hi my name is Niel and i order to figure out what an atom is is used the quantum theory. I think that an atom is the smallest particle of matter and that#160;is has a nucleus#160;inside which has electrons that#160; move around a nucleus, but only in prescribed orbits, and If electrons jump to a lower-energy orbit, the difference is sent out as radiation.
A neutron is a particle with no electric charge that, along with positively charged protons,#160; which makes up an#160;atom's nucleus.My name is James and I believe that an atom is the smallest thing on earth. I found out about this thing called a neutron,#160;#160;
Nah you trippin
That's cool, My names Ernest, #160;#160;I think that atoms are mostly empty space#160; #160;with nearly all of its mass concentrated in a tiny central nucleus#160;and that the#160;nucleus#160; of the atom is positively charged and surrounded at a great distance by the negatively charged electrons.#160;