Projecting: Elizabeth has come home from school upset! Her mom has stayed home all day disorganized, so she projects her worries onto Elizabeth, completely disregarding her own feelings.
Wow. Mom didn't even ask how school was! And my room is really clean
Projection is when you attribute your own feelings to others
Made By: Anaya Sunthankar
Elizabeth! Don't forget to clean your room! It's messy
My room is so messy today! I am so disorganized!
I'm so mad at you mom! I hate you!!!!
Displacement: Uh oh! Elizabeth got very angry! She took out her anger and ripped up her brand new desk chair. She is shifting her aggression onto her desk chair instead of her mom! Displacement is when you take out your aggression on a less threatening object.
Reaction Formation: Elizabeth pretends that she is happy, just so her dad doesn't ask her what's wrong. Reaction Formation is when people switch their "unacceptable" feelings into opposites.
Elizabeth time for dinner! Your dad's home
Oh man! Even if I'm not happy, I got to pretend so dad doesn't ask me what's wrong