So, the German's ended up deciding to focus on their efforts to defeat the Royal Air Force. But even so, the German's bombing continued. But, the British did not stop fighting back. So Hitler was very frustrated at how long it took to defeat Great Britain. Even though the Germans had more planes and pilots, the British were still able to fight them off and win the battle.
Battle of Britain
After losing the battle, the German army lost so many soldiers and it took such a defeat they never really recovered. But, the Soviet troops weren’t ready to give up. Fighting in the city of Stalingrad was fierce. So, Soviets hid all around the city, including buildings, and even the sewers, just attacking German soldiers. The Soviet Union trapped the German army inside of Stalingrad. Soon, the Germans began to run out of food. Finally, weak from lack of food and freezing from the cold winter, the majority of the German army surrendered