Once upon a time, an ugly princess became prisoner in an island.To get away of the prison, only a prince can deliver her. But the princess sleep since many years ago. So the prince had to kiss her.
The first prince who arrived from 10 hours of travel, enter in the princess's cell. He saw the princess sleeping and he think :She is very uglySo he go out and he doesn't wake up her.
Two months later, another prince arrived on the island. His journey was very difficult because there was a storm. His boat rocked a lot during the storm.When he passed the door of the prison. He arrived in the cell and look at the princess. But he said, She is very ugly and he left of the prison.
One day, a peasant girl tried to enter in the prison, but the security doesn't accept her. She tried many times with diferents costumes. One day, she success to pass the twenty guards. She enter to the cell and she don't say anything about the princess, she move to the princess and she kiss her. The princess waked up, even if the princess was ugly, she was pure-hearted.
The princess and the peasant lives very happily in a big castle with many adopted children.Don't forget to don't judge book of his cover. It's the same for people. Besides, love has no gender.