Hey Josh, I think it was a really good idea that we decided to start a new colony here. Don't you think?
Huh? Yeah Kyle, this place is beautiful. The scenery is nice and, overall this place looks perfect.
Josh and Kyle just arrived to Mars, but while Kyle is mentioning how it was a good idea to colonize Mars but, Josh is already distracted by how beautiful Mars was. Josh is a very distracted person, while Kyle is responsible and does not let that many things distract him.
There is something I think there is something I should tell you first. The second that we stepped out here, I got a bad feeling. I feel like maybe we should make sure that we have an exit plan just in case something were to happen to us.
Yes, I agree, we should take precautions just in case a problem were to happen. Anyways lets go explore Mars!
Even though Mars looks like a perfect place to live in, Kyle is being aware of his surroundings, and advising Josh that they should have an exit plan just in case something were to go wrong. While on the other hand, Josh is distracted by Mar's orange and blazing scenery, and decides to go swimming in the Martian lake instead of looking for the others.
He Alex, I think that we made the right decision to come to Mars to see what happened to the others who came here to start the new colony.
Five years later, two more people visit Mars to see what happened to the other people who went there last time. The cycle keepsrepeating itself until the human population eventually goes extinct. Everyone who goes to Mars gets preoccupied by the scenery and everything else. They all eventually turn into Martians.
What? Yeah, Ben, it was a good idea to see what happened to them but before we go and find out, lets go and swim in the lake.