A foreign policy followed by the US during the cold war. This strategy was first used in 1947 that forced the idea that communism needed to be "contained", hence the name. This event may be important because the policy prevented communism from spreading to other neighboring countries
Red Scare
Yo! These guys are definitely communists!
Cailtlyn ChatterleyAbby PilkingtonMr Arellano
the beginning of atomic weapons began in 1949 when the Soviet Union began testing their atom bomb. Because of this, President Truman saw it necessary to build our own explosive weapon. This is important because it led to the first H-bomb which was dropped on the Marshall Islands. It completely vaporized one island and left a huge crater in the ocean floor and left lots of radioactive waste and toxins in the atmosphere. There were later many other bombings and deaths.
Military Action
In October of 1957, the Soviets launched the world's first artificial satellite into space and into Earth's orbit. To America, this surprise was not a good one since this event was a race between countries. Eventually in 1958, The United States launched its own satellite, the Explorer I. This event is important because it started the "Space Age" and NASA.
End of the Cold War
the red scare is the fear of communism spreading in the US. Starting in 1947, the HUAC began multiple hearings to prove that communism was alive. Because of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his made up list of communists, many people were blacklisted, mainly actors, directors, writers, and other famous people. This is important because the hysteria that swept through the country caused many citizens to lose their jobs, social status, and their "way of life".
The first military action needed in the Cold War took place in June of 1950 when Soviets backed up North Korea's Army to invade "its pro-Western neighbor to the South" (History.com). This is important because America feared that because of this action, communism would take over the world. This eventually led to the Warsaw Pact that would set up a unified military.
When Nixon took place as president, he believed that instead of military action, they should use diplomacy. He told the UN to recognize the Chinese government and Nixon also established diplomatic relations in Beijing. By 1991, the Soviet Union had fallen and the Cold War was over.