Definition- forcefully and effectively expressed, and often in few words: Ex. I listened to lili's trenchant reaction about Trump winning the presidential election through her emotions.
Definition- Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. Ex.The apprehension of starting high school filled many freshmen, as the next chapter in their lives started.
Definition-A rhetorical exercise or set speech. Ex.At FFA Area Leadership Camp the district presidents delivered passionate Declamations during our time of reflection.
Definition- sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; compassion. Ex. Although Sawyer and I placed well in our class at San Antonio, he proposed commiserating, considering we had just put our favorite pigs on the truck.
Definiton- occurring or done in brief, irregular bursts. Ex. Tristan was spasmodic about trying to get her grades up towards the end of the six weeks.
Definition-assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering. Ex. Corbyn looked at his opponent Imperiously, as he beat him in the play day.