Next, the potatoes are transported to a boat from The Water Company. This boat stays outside of the country.
A red truck from Move It Inc picks up the potatoes from the boat.
Finally, the potatoes arrive at Syrup Town.
Soon, the potatoes reach their final destination: Burger Peasant, Syrup Town's most popular restaurant.
I'll get a large fries!!
At Burger Peasant, the potatoes are converted into french fries.
The core ingredients required to create a large fries are the following: two cups of oil, half an hour of the head chef's time, and two potatoes.
Here is the final product: a large fries.
One additional thing to note is that Move It Inc is a very large transportation company. So, the yellow, blue, and red trucks do not only transport potatoes for farmer Joe, but they also transport oil for Oil Inc, a foreign oil company. Whenever a truck from Move It Inc picks up the potatoes, they also drop off multiple barrels of oil. Furthermore, the barrels of oil are picked up by a separate truck from Move It Inc and transported to the Oil Inc headquarters, which is located outside of the country. Eventually, Oil Inc runs out of physical storage, and the barrels of oil are transported back into the country by a truck from Move It Inc. Finally, the oil is sold and money is produced. A certain percentage of the money produced is used by Oil Inc to pay Move It Inc for its services. Since farmer Joe is a large shareholder of Move Inc, he gets a portion of the money produced. Farmer Joe uses his share of the money to purchase more land and expand his farm. With an increase in land, the stock value of farmer Joe's potato business increases (lower stock value + land = higher stock value). Essentially, the addition of new land to a lower stock value to produce a higher stock value is all made possible through money, which is produced from the transportation of the barrels of oil from outside the country to inside the country.
It has two common forms: a solid crystal form and a colorless gas form. In its gas form, it is heavier than air, so it sinks.
Now, this is the ANTI-FRY magnet, and it is able to stop the production of french fries.
This magnet was discovered in 1782 by a Swedish chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele.
How does the ANTI-FRY magnet stop the production of french fries? First of all, it has a very high affinity for the tires of the red truck.
French fry production is halted once the ANTI-FRY magnet binds to the tires of the red truck. This is because the red truck is no longer able to function properly; thus, no potatoes are transported to Burger Peasant. Without potatoes, the head chef is unable to produce french fries.
Where's the red truck it? It should have arrived by now.
Without the red truck being able to function properly, the entire transportation of potatoes from farmer Joe to Burger Peasant is cancelled. Consequently, the trucks from Move It Inc do not transport the barrels of oil out of the country, Oil Inc does not run out of physical storage, and Move It Inc does not receive money because its services were not required. Ultimately, farmer Joe cannot afford to purchase new land, and the stock value of his potato business does not increase.