Allah swt corrected Musa as: There is indeed one of Our precious servants who we have granted full knowledge and inner wisdom. There is a special servant to whom We deeply given Our Mercy and Compassion.
O Moses, you are a Prophet and Messenger of God. Is anyone in this world more learned than you?
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Musa as had asked Allah swt where and how he can find this man. Allah swt told Musa as that he would find him where the two seas meet. Allah swt told him to bring a long a fish in a basket, and that when you forget about that fish, you have arrived. The name of the servant is Al-Khidr the Green one. Yusha Ibn Nun as and Musa as set out to find the two seas.
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Musa of the Bani Israel? But. truly you will not remain patient with me If you wish to follow me, you must not ask me about anything unless I mention it to you first.
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سافر موسى والخضر بالقرب من البحر حتى تعرف عليهما طاقم سفينة وأعطاهما رحلة مجانا. أثناء ركوبهم القارب، أخرج الخضر أداة وخرق السفينة. سأله موسى عن سبب قيامه بذلك وما إذا كان سيغرق الناس في القارب. أجاب الخضر : ألم أقل لك أنك لن تصبر على أن تتحمل معي؟
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The fish had slipped out of the basket as the two were sitting on a rock. The water formed into an arch which Yusha as saw, but forgot to tell Musa as till the next morning.
ألم أقل لك أنك لن تتحمل معي بصبر؟
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Al-Khidr, How do people greet each other in your land? I am Musa Yes, may I follow you so that you may lead me to further spiritual growth and give me some of the guidance you have been given by God?
سافروا أبعد من ذلك حتى وصلوا إلى أهل القرية. طلبوا شيئا يأكلونه ويشربونه، لكنهم رفضوا. رأى الخضر جدارا على وشك السقوط ، وذهب لإصلاحه.
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No, I believe there is no one to whom God has granted more knowledge than to me. Said Musa as
هل قتلت النفس الطاهرة التي لم تقتل أحدا؟ لقد فعلت بالتأكيد شيئا منكراً فظيعا
هؤلاء الناس حرمونا من الطعام ورفضونا كضيوف ، ومع ذلك اخترتم إعادة بناء جدارهم. إذا كنت تريد ، كان بإمكانك الحصول على مكافأة مقابل هذه الخدمة