Bro, i have the best solution for your problem, it's very simple, do u know what is it?
GainsBar(Protein Bar)
Eyyy yo, Whats up Bro, How are you going with the gym?
I'm Bad bro, i'm not having good results, i think i ain't taking enough protein, but i don't know what i have to do, cause all the time i'm eating so much
Just tell me bro, i only wanna big muscles as you...
GainsBar(Protein Bar)
This is the GainsBar, it is basically a protein bar. It is made with a 100% natural ingredients, it is perfect for you, cause it has 300 calories and there's 35 grams of pretein on each bar. The fleavor it's chocolate, and it taste like a snikers, but the diference is that this one doesn't have sugar
I know bro, this helps me a lot to consume more protein easily, and it taste so good
Tayler is talking with some chiks and Bob goes away with him
GainsBar(Protein Bar)
I know bro, this helps me a lot to consume more protein easily, and it taste so good
Broooo, that's so much protein in only a bar, this is a super food!
I told you bro, it is super delicius, and this has more benefits, do you wanna know more about it?
Tayler is talking with Bob, but Bob gets sad because he is not very popular as Tyler
GainsBar(Protein Bar)
OMG!, this is the best thing i ever tried in my hole life
You can find it on the website, it cost around 20 bucks for 15 bars, it is very cheap
Tayler intorduces him the GainsBar to Bob
GainsBar(Protein Bar)
You're welcome bob, remeber keep training and eat healty.
So, where can i buy it?
Here i have one, if you wanna taste it.
Bob doesn't belive what he is hearing
Are u kidding give me that now!
I can't bealive that, this is so amazing!
As you know, it has lor of protein and this is made with natural ingredients with NO SUGAR. It has a lot of fiber and vitamis too.
Tayler gives to bob a taste of the gainsbar, and now bob loves it.
Sure bro, tell me
Wow bro, i'm very shoked, this gonna makes me save lot of time
Tayler gives to bob more information about the gaisbar.
Wow, it's very cheap, thank u so much tayler, you save my life
Off course, now my favorite snack is the GainsBar.