- Talk about how functional neuroimaging can not be used to explain an individual's behavior due to how the results are interpreted and used in court- Introduce Dugan case, talk about how they compared him to other psychopaths, and difficulty of functional neuroimaging and looking at complex traits- Can also briefly mention how many non-psychopaths have abnormal amygdala but don't to things like Dugan did- Introduce Yepez case, what his claim was, and how conviction was upheld, try to compare his MAOA activity to others, saying there was a statistical link between MAOA gene activity and violent behavior- Then go into how this brings up a limitation of functional neuroimaging and its use in court, has potential but struggles with Group 2 individual
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Central Claim
- Why can't we use trends seen with functional abnormalities in adults when they can be applied to juveniles?- Talk about Nuzzo article and how it looked at men with low activity in ACC- Compare with adolescent developpmental process, brings up the question of why it's okay to apply it to one group but not another
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First Idea
- Go back into functional neuroimaging, primarily fMRIs and PET scans and how they work- Explanation of function, what they highlight, and validity in court of law- Reference Daubert v. Merrel Dow, how these two types of neuroimaging technologies pass and can be admitted in court of law