Three aspects of culture that impact Ecuador worldviews are customs, language, and economy. This creates worldviews that are deeply strong with their tradition.
In other words you must be polite to whoever is at your table. Even when someone is eating lunch alone you say buen provecho, it also symbolizes for them to enjoy their meal. It’s also respectful to say thank you to whoever cooked the meal.
“It is customary to say Buen provecho (roughly, Bon appétit) before beginning a meal or at the end of a meal.”
“Spanish is the official language while Quechua and Shuar are official languages for intercultural ties”
Ecuador culture is influenced by the languages we speak. It's our community of Ecuador that talks with each other and its how we communicate with one another.
“Many rural Ecuadorans feed their families with the produce from their own farms”
Agriculture is the number one resource that Ecuador has to make money, many people own lands to build farms and so much more. They sell as much as they can from their farms to feed their families.