For example, using the triangular sail allows us to sail with into the wind, going relatively fast.
The stern rudder was a design originally invented in China that the Europeans implemented and helped with having more accurate predictions of where they were heading towards.
Next comes the caravel, a 3 masted ship that allows us to carry more supplies and people at a time.
Advances in shipbuilding allow ships to travel longer distances:
Advances with navigational tools allow better discovery:
Well, the golden-colored object is an astrolabe while the other object with letters on it is a compass. Both of those objects are used by sailors, mostly by those who are explorers, and they help when knowing what their location is. The difference is that the astrolabe uses the stars while the compass is related to the magnetic field caused by the gravitational pull on earth to identify which way you are going.
And what do they do?
I don't get it, what are these items displayed here?
12th-13th century
Your ideas are amazing! How about we use both of them but separately. After all, they are of great help when navigating and exploring, the latitude and longitude help with location while the currents prepare us for what's to come.
I have an idea, what if we mark the maps with the distances from the different lines of latitude and longitude? Marking the equator along with the other lines that follow along with their degrees.
Marco Polo published his book "Travels" and the Europeans are awakened to how large the world is:
Or... what if we mark the direction of the ocean currents? It's easier that way to navigate through certain places when we know what to expect.
12th-13th century
Cartographers include ocean currents and latitude/longitude lines improving mapmaking:
Welcome, to the new navigation school, which is now officially open!
Prince Henry the Navigator opens up his navigation school in Sagres, Portugal:
This is amazing! Such a good idea, this should make things easier for us.
Yeah! I wonder what things we will learn though, hopefully it's not boring.
I know right?! Me too!
Awesome! I'm so excited!
Can't wait to read it!
It is my greatest pleasure to announce that my book "Travels" has been officially printed and published as of today! I really hope it really opens your eyes.
Marco Polo published his book "Travels" and the Europeans are awakened to how large the world is:
By:Marco Polo
Oh my god! Is that the new book from Marco Polo?
Should I read it?
Yes! I totally recommend it. It shares a lot of interesting facts and really makes you look at the world in a different way.