It was just a casual Monday day at Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School. I was sitting with my best friend Ilana at lunch.
Jay, Imma head to the bathroom, wanna come?
Nah I'm good here, I gotta finish up my lunch but I'll meet you later.
hey, I'm Izzy.
and I'm Emma.
We just transferred from Portola, the middle school in Tarzana, and we were wondering if you knew who that girl was that was sitting with you.
Oh yeah, that's my..
Cause she's so fat and ugly hahah.
that's my science partner Ilana, she's so annoying.
I'm Jayden, it's nice to meet you!
Is she mad at me?
Why is Ilana sitting so far from me?
Why did I do this? I shouldn't have done this just to fit in.
English Class
Does she know that I talked bad behind her back?
Hey Ilana, is something wrong?
I'm not stupid you know.
I heard what you guys said about me.
I was walking back to you at lunch because I accidently packed two cookies so I was going to give you one. As I got closer I saw you talking to the two new girls.
Ilana please..
How could you say such a thing, after everything we have been through, what happend to ride or die? I am in shock. I thought you were my friend. You know screw that I thought you were my sister.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I was just trying to fit in. Ilana don't leave, I'm sorry.
Screw you!
How did I let this happen? I can't believe I lost my best friend. I will never ever do this again.