A fifty three year old female goes to her yearly mammogram appointment and learns devastating news
Yes, what is it?
What does that mean?
How could this happen?
We found an invasive carcinoma in your breast and it has spread to lymph nodes.
We have to talk about something important. Are you prepared?
You have Stage 3 Breast Cancer. I'm so sorry.
Your invasive carcinoma has lots of genetic changes, cell proliferation, genomic instability, and cell death. Through these progressions, there is a decrease in telomere length which increases apoptosis. These are some of the flaws that we have detected in your carcinoma.
There are many reasons for why you have this cancer. It could be because of genetic instability which could lead to mutations in mitotic checkpoint genes.
It means that you have a malignant tumor within your breast and it is spreading towards your chest wall and towards your skin, as well.
We will get you started on chemotherapy and speak about surgery and then radiation later. Again, I am so sorry and we will do our best to take care of you.