Hi i'm Cornado. Me and 1000 men went on a search for the 7 cities of gold in 1540. On this search we discovered the Pacific Ocean, Palo Duro Canyon, and the Grand Canyon. In the end we never found the seven cities, but I come back with a lot of information. Because of the lack of gold we forgot about Texas and moved on.
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Hi Im La Salle I am a French explorer The explored the length of the Mississippi river in 1685. I convinced the King of France to establish a Colony at The mouth od the Mississippi river. I set out with four ships, one getting stolen by pirates. When I arrived I was confused because I was not at The Mississippi river, I was at Matagorda Bay. I built a fort there called Fort St. Louis. I established relationships with the Karankawas, but unfortunately we did not get along.
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You know, there is all of these roumours that Christopher columbus was the first person to explore Texas. To prove him wrong I decided to show him who's BOSS, AKA us (The Native Americans). If he thinks he is just going to come and wipe us out I'll prove him wrong