Ugh!!! what a nerve-racking, i'm watching now Sen. Risa Hontiveros live in committee regarding about culture abuse at PHSA. It disgusted me knowing that the teacher is the perpetrator and not only that also their fellow senior students and faculty member is, unfortunately one of the perpetrator carried off his life last year. But, h*ll yeah it's so unfair for the victim. tsk.... take a look .
Schools must be a safe environment for students. Oh guts!!! What's with them? Why did they do that? They didn't even think what will be the consequences of their wrongdoing before doing such a grotesque action!!! Imagine students experiencing woe because of what they did.
Sen. Risa Hontiveros speaking:
“It is imperative that the Senate, exercising its oversight powers, initiate a thorough but expeditious investigation on the matter to ensure that PHSA and other educational institutions are safe spaces.Educational and training institutions should be our children’s safe spaces. Schools are required to provide a gender-sensitive environment and confidential mechanism for the reporting and redress of grievances on matters of sexual and gender-based harassment.
Sexual abuse, exploitation, and harrasment chooses no age, gender, time or place. Instead, it can happen to anyone during a time when we least expect it,it is really alarming and at the same time disturbing.
Yes, I totally agree.It does not come from an uncontrollable s*x drive, but is a crime committed deliberately with the goal of controlling and humiliating the victim.
Also, what makes me more furious is thatcomplaints were often disregarded. The school also demands abureaucratic process of documentation and notarization before the allegations could be investigated.
WHATTT? Are they just acting blind or something??? They should take it an action immediately! SUS!!!!
Yeah, right! As they should! Because they're the one who's responsible to make things right because their students is the victim. They act like nothing happened.
Imagine that they need to endure the pain on what happened to them even though they don't really like and don't deserve it. Well, anyone don't deserve to experience such a disgusting thing like that. But yeah, I'm hoping that they will be okay.
Anyway I need to go now 'cause I have an appointment. Bye, take care.
Oh, I have to bug off to. My husband is waiting for me, take care also. Bye.