This will for sure not be some humdrum festival again!
Sir, this man was decided to hurtle sleeping gas at the local festival! He has pulled pranks on the people before, and if that was just a foretaste of what is to come at the coming festivals...
You are right! I will make sure to deal with him swiftly.
I think the king has ordered the other guards to interrogate that vicious prisoner.
That one who decided to disrupt the festival by chucking sleeping gas? I wonder why he did it...
I've have had it with you and your pranks every year at the festival! I have to keep this kingdom at peace as everyone of my ancestors did in this dynasty!
I'm sorry sir, but I just loved the chaos that came out of it! However, I have decided to end my ways and form a truce. Also, I would like to recompense you and offer some of my crops I grow every year.
I know this man we are going to keep an eye on seems like a trickle of annoyance, but we have orders from the king. Are you ready men!
Yes Sir!
Yes Sir!
I never said I wouldn't do a stink bomb! As long as I'm around your chaos will be interminable!