Bandura uses self serving bias. If I do poorly on a test then I would blame it on the teacher and say that they don’t like me, so that’s why they gave me a bad grade.
How Adler sees me
Freud uses the term regression. Regression is when you revert back to something you did in your childhood when you felt more comfortable. I sometimes revert back to eating cupcakes because when I was younger I have good memories of eating cupcakes with my dad.
How Rogers sees me
These two psychologists use the big 5 factors. Out of the five I think they would see me as extrovert. This is because I’m always talking and meeting new people.
How Horney sees me
Adler uses the knowledge of birth order to describe individuals. I have a little brother which means i’m the oldest. As the oldest I am the most responsible and I have the highest self confidence.
Rogers says that childhood trauma affects the environment and the way you grow. I think that my parents divorce has made me scared of romantic relationships. Because I have never seen a heathy one when I was little, it translates to my own life once I grew up.
Horney believed that childhood anxiety came from love and comfort. So when I was nervous to compete at gymnastics competitions when I was little I would need my best friend to be there supporting me.