Attention! Daniela quit yesterday, so the Office Manager position is up for grabs! The promotion will go to whoever shows the most efficiency and dedication.
That promotion is mine!
Mark my words - I will get that promotion one way or another.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Damian.
You make it sound like anything you do will change who gets the promotion. I don't need to do anything.
Shouldn't you be working, Damian? You'll never get the promotion by slacking off.
Damian makes me so mad...Well, I'll show him! Hard work always pays off!
I wonder what the Boss will think of Sarah slacking off? Not that I'll tell him she was on lunch break. After all, a woman shouldn't be put in a position of power.
Mr Wilkins, I thought it might interest you to know that I saw Lucy slacking off! She was relaxing when she should have been working!
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Damian. Lucy is officially out of the running for the Position of Office Manager. The position requires someone who is willing to put in the work. I thought that Lucy would be a good candidate - clearly, I was wrong.
Attention! The new Office Manager has been decided! The position of Office Manager has been awarded to... Damian! Congratulations!
Thank you, sir! I humbly accept!
Told you I'd get it!, Lucy!
I don't believe this! Damian didn't do a lick of work all week! What did he do to deserve this!