When Oedipus was a baby his parents went to an Oracle to see what his future would be. The Oracle told his parents that he would fulfill this horrible prophecy so the queen gets the servant to tie the baby by the feet and leave him for the beasts. The servant could not just leave him there and gave him to a local shepherd.
The Shepperd is very poor and can not keep Oedipus, the Shepperd left the baby at the king's door for him to keep. After many years Oedipus is told by a drunk that the king and queen aren't his real parents. He then goes to an Oracle where he is told that he will have a kid with his mom and kill his dad.
Oedipus then leaves Corinth to prevent what the Oracle told him from happening. On the way he runs into a horse-driven by a king, they argue and Oedipus beats him to death with a stick. The first prophecy is fulfilled.
Oedipus continues his journey to Thebes and runs into a Sphinx that asks a riddle to all the travelers and if they get it wrong she will eat them. Oedipus answers the riddle correctly and continues his journey to Thebes.
Creon said that anyone who can solve this riddle will become the King of Thebes and marry the queen. This reveals the second part of the prophecy. Together the queen and Oedipus have four children, two boys, and two girls.
Years later they found out that Oedipus's mother is the queen that he had four children with! Once she figured it out the queen hung herself and Oedipus stabbed his eyes out he then ran away with his daughters and left the sons to rule the kingdom. Oedipus eventually died in Colonus