Francewanted support from USBut US had no supplies/sodiler/aidso, GW decleare nevtralityThen, France started to attacked US ships
Embargo act
France and USFrance wants the UK to leave Ohio Valley But it will lead to warso Washington dashed to john Jay as envoyThen made the Jay treaty
War of 1812
Tripalol & other barbary stateswanted tribute from USbut jefferson dident want to payso tripoli decleare war on USthen, hey signed a peace threaty tripooli stop asking for tribute, US payed 60k to sailors
Monroe Doctrine
France & UK want weaken each others econominesbut these restrictions also disrupede US tradeand threated US neutralitySo Jeferson faces a decisionthen he chose to embargo
USwant UK to stop attacking ships, & impresing US sailorBut US was tradeing with FranceSo, Madison decleared warthen, UK stopped attacking US at sea.
Monroewant to support the LARbut Europeans deounedSo US wouldn't sccept European interferceThan, it wass becoming a strong and confidednt nation