What the matter with you? Is the heat making you sick? Look at its face it has no comb or wattles!
Early in the morning, The brothers heard a rapid flapping of wings. They turned in the direction of the sound and saw two chickens fighting in the far end of the field.
Argument in the house
It is a Hen!
It is not a hen Kiko, It is a Rooster!
The rooster was so busy fighting that they did not notice him. When he got near them, he dived and caught one of them by the leg. It struggled and squawked.
Family argument
The argument went on in the fields the whole morning. At noon they went to eat lunch. They argued about it on the way home. When they arrived at their house Kiko tied the chicken to a peg. The chicken flapped its wings and then crowed.
The end of the argument
It does not look like any hen I have ever seen. No, that could not be a chicken. I have never seen like that. It must be a bird of some other kind.
While they argue their mother heard them, they told their mother about it, and she went out to look at the chicken. "That chicken", she said "Is a Binabae. It is a rooster that looks like a hen."
That should have ended the argument. But their Father also went out to see the chicken. Until they noticed that their parents were arguing about the chicken.
The brothers asked the chief which is oldest man in the village. The chief said it must be a bird of some other kind. The next day they went to the cockpit on the cockpit was a riot. Suddenly, the chicken began to quiver. It stood up in the boy's arms and cackled with laughter. Something warm and round dropped into his hand, it was an egg.