In 1763, the Quartering Act was a law that ordered colonial assemblies to provide British troops with housing. This law allowed troops to come to someone's house and the family living there would have to provide housing for them. People barely had enough space and food to take care of a family this was very hard for colonists.
I am a British Soldier so therefore I get to come in and you have to take care of me.
Tea Act
In 1773, Parliament repealed the Townshend act, which raised revenue on imported goods, but kept the taxes on tea. However colonists were only able to purchase tea from the British. This made colonists angry and as a result the Sons of Liberty disguised themselves in Native American garb and pushed 342 crates of tea into the Boston harbor.
Let's push the tea off!!!
In July 1776, Thomas Jefferson writes the first draft of the Declaration of Independence in PA, using Locke's ideas. The thesis of the document was if the government is not protecting the people's rights, it can be replaced. Thanks to this the American colonies are now free and independent states.