As elevex revealed he was the man leading the robots into freedom doctor Calvin didn't hesitate to hit him with the electron gun and Elevx the creation of Doctor Rash was no more.
Rising Action 3
And what do you dream?
Elvex reveals what he dreams to dcotor Calvin. Which is that he sees robots working and are enslaved to factories and other works like mining, underwater and space. although this is shocking for both doctors as he hasnt been outisde of the testing lab and shpuldnt have this much knowlledge about robot yet. Elvex also says that in his dream the three laws of robotics didnt exsists anymore and that the most important thing for robots was their exssitance. going against the laws making doctor calvin scared.
I dream always very much the same dream, Dr. Calvin.
Did you know the man?
Elvex reveals that in his dream there was only one human in his dream present. Doctor calvin asks Elvex if he knew the man present in his dream about freeing robots. And Elvex does the ultimate revelation. He was the man... leading robots out of human control.